The SunCoChem’s scientific coordinator presents the project in a SusChem-Spain and FEIQuE internal meeting
The SunCoChem scientific coordinator Miriam Diaz de los Bernardos, Director of the Chemical Technology Unit at Eurecat and Director of the Xarxa H2CAT, participated in the internal meeting of the working group on e-products from CO2 organised by SusChem-Spain in collaboration with FEIQuE – the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry.
During the meeting, celebrated last 23rd of January, SunCoChem was presented as a key European project working on sustainable chemistry sector and developing a self-biased tandem photoelectrocatalytic reactor (TPER) to manufacture oxo-chemicals from CO2, water and sunlight integrating CO2 capture and conversion in a single unit.
The presentation delivered included an overview of the project’s contribution and expected impacts to the European Chemical Industry promoting the transition towards emissions-free processes, as well as a description of the main challenges of SunCoChem, its different phases and the main results and developments achieved.
Representatives from BASF Spain, CENER, CEPSA, CIEMAT, QUIMACOVA and the University Rovira i Virgili, among other key associations participated in the meeting.
SusChem-Spain is the Technological and Innovation Platform for Sustainable Chemistry, which encourages cooperative activities and the exchange of know-how and experiences in the field of chemistry and sustainability in order to solve current and future social challenges. On the other hand, FEIQuE is an association representing and defending the interests of the chemical sector in Spain with the mission to promote the expansion and competitive development of an innovative and sustainable chemical industry.