CNRS hosts the 6th General Assembly of SunCoChem
The SunCoChem consortium met to celebrate the project’s 6th General on 26 – 27 of October in the facilities of CNRS – The National Centre for Scientific Research located in Montpellier (France).
Representatives from each partner entity attended the meeting to review and discuss about the main results achieved and to set up the next steps and actions to be achieved until the end of the project.
The SunCoChem has the objective to address the need of the European Chemical Industry to reduce their dependence on carbon feedstock by producing highly competitive and integrated solutions enabling the carbon-neutral production of energy and high-value chemicals.
The project, coordinated by Eurecat, is formed by the Politecnico di Torino, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS); small and medium-sized enterprises developing advanced materials and technologies in Solaronix, Avantium, Laurentia and IOLITEC; engineering firm Hysytech; chemical corporations Dow and IFF; and operational support partners: the Spanish Association for Standardisation (UNE) and the International Hellenic University.