The Spanish Association for Standardisation (UNE) is legally designated as the National Standardisation Body of Spain. It is the national representative and member of the European (CEN/CENELEC), International (ISO/IEC) and Panamerican (COPANT) Organisations for Standardisation, and member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Formally, it is a non-profitmaking, private, independent and multisectoral organisation, recognised at national, European and international level. Through the development of technical standards UNE helps to improve the quality and competitiveness of companies, products and services.
Contribution to SunCoChem
In SunCoChem project, UNE advises, manages and develops all the activities related with standardisation. The European Standardisation Organisations CEN and CENELEC do not participate directly in research and innovation projects, delegating this participation to their national members.