The SunCoChem project invited you to participate in the webinar “Towards the implementation of the EU Green Deal through the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals” with the objective to showcase and discuss about the latest innovative solutions to combat climate change, eliminate the carbon footprint in the production of green chemicals, as well as to contribute to the European Green Deal for a resource-efficient and climate-neutral Europe by 2050. The webinar took place as part of the European Green Week on Tuesday 31st of May.
The event was organised as a webinar with presentations from representatives of six EU-funded projects working in the sustainable chemistry field.
10.00 – Welcome and overview of Road2GreenChem Cluster
Maria Navarro, SunCoChem project coordinator, Eurecat
10.10 – Keynote Speaker “How European Chemical innovations are contributing to implement the EU Green Deal by providing sustainable solutions”
Anne Chloé Devic, Interim ETP Secretary & National Technology Platforms Coordinator, SusChem
SESSION I: Developing sustainable solutions for a greener chemistry sector
10.25 – Innovative photocatalytic reactor design for the sustainable production of oxo-products from CO2, water and solar energy
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos, SunCoChem scientific coordinator, Head of the Synthesis and Catalysis Line at Chemical Technologies Unit, Eurecat
10.40 – Integrated Reactors for the production of Green Ethylene
Pau Farràs, Director of the ChemLight group, Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry at the School of Chemistry, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), FlowPhotoChem project
10.55 – Advanced Photoelectrocatalytic devices for coupling bio-and solar-refinery
Claudio Ampelli, DECADE Principal Investigator of ERIC-UniME Research Unit and Associate Professor, University of Messina, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences (ChiBioFarAm)
11.10 – BREAK
SESSION II: Demonstrating real impacts of electrocatalytic conversion solutions for a sustainable chemistry industry
11.20 –Oxalic acid from CO2 using Eletrochemistry at demonstration scale
Siglinda Perathoner, Full professor of Industrial Chemistry, University of Messina, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences (ChiBioFarAm)
11.35 – Recycling Carbon Dioxide in The Cement Industry at TRL6 demonstration scale to Produce Added-Value Additives in a circular economy approach
Simelys Hernández, RECODE technical coordinator, Italian Institute of Technology and Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino
SESSION III: Upskilling future chemical technicians and researchers to implement green chemical routes)
11.50 – Integrating Photo-assisted technologies for the conversion of Valuable Chemicals with the EU Green Future
Júlia Machado, Solar2Chem Early-Stage Researcher and PhD researcher, National University of Galway
Horatiu Szalad, Solar2Chem Early-Stage Researcher and PhD researcher, Technical University of Valencia
12.05 – Final conclusions and Q&A
12.20 – Closure, end of the session
María Navarro
SunCoChem project coordinator, Eurecat
She holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering by the University of Barcelona on the degradation of antibiotics by photocatalysis and ozonation. During her stages in research organizations, María gained experience in the preparation of proposals and the coordination of technical projects. María has also long-time record in the private sector, where she has worked as project coordinator, supporting the strategical position of the companies. She has more than 10 years’ experience in project management and has participated in several national and European projects. Currently she is European Program Coordinator at Eurecat, the main research and technology centre in Catalonia and the second largest private non-profit research organization in southern Europe. She supports Eurecat’s research and innovation roadmaps in different fields of knowledge such as Digital, Sustainability or Industrial areas.
Anne Chloé Devic
Interim ETP Secretary & National Technology Platforms Coordinator, SusChem
She has a Master’s degree in Chemistry and Chemical engineering with a specialisation in Polymers from the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie in Montpellier, France. Her career started at Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in various positions: first in the UK working as a research engineer in acrylic composites, then in ICI France as a pilot plant manager on a production site of surfactants and later as a deputy site manager looking after quality, safety and process on a production site of PMMA cast sheets. In 1997 she took the position of team leader of scale-up activities for the Polyurethane business of ICI, based in Brussels (which then became Huntsman). She then joined the Repsol group in 2002 in the technology center of Madrid where she worked as a senior technology advisor in Research & Innovation in materials (polyurethanes and polyolefins). Finally, she left the Repsol group to re-join Cefic in 2020 (following a 3-year secondment from Repsol to Cefic between 2016 and 2019).
Miriam Diaz de los Bernardos
SunCoChem Scientific Coordinator, Head of the Synhtesis and Catalysis Line at Chemical Technologies Unit, Eurecat
Miriam holds a degree in Chemistry (2008), a master’s degree in synthesis and catalysis (2009) and a PhD in organic synthesis (2012) from Universitat Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona. During 2012 she gained experience in R&D projects at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (Mülheim, Germany) as pre-doctoral scientist working in asymmetric synthesis. He joined to CTQC (Tarragona) in 2013 as junior scientist in organic synthesis and nanomaterial science working in the design, planning and execution of competitive and private multidisciplinary R&D projects. Currently she is the head of the synthesis and catalysis line at the Eurecat-Chemical Technological Unit and the scientific coordinator of the EU-funded project SunCoChem. Her expertise covers organic synthesis and the design of new catalysts which could result ultra-selective to obtain industrially relevant products from waste feedstocks such as CO2 in thermo-, photo- and electrochemical processes.
Pau Farràs
Director of the ChemLight group, Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry at the School of Chemistry, National University of Ireland – Galway (NUIG)
Dr Pau Farràs received his BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) in 2003 and obtained the PhD in Chemistry from the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona in 2009.
Dr Farràs is currently the coordinator of three EU-funded projects SEAFUEL, SOLAR2CHEM and FLOWPHOTOCHEM, and work package leader in HUGE and NEFERTITI. He is an active member of Hydrogen Europe Research and supporter of the SUNERGY initiative. He is author of 39 papers with around 1000 citations (h-index 18) and a book chapter on visible light-driven oxidation of organic substrates.
Claudio Ampelli
DECADE Principal Investigator of ERIC-UniME Research Unit and Associate Professor, University of Messina, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences (ChiBioFarAm)
Claudio Ampelli received his PhD from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pisa in Italy. Since 2019 he is an Associate Professor of “Chemical Plants and Technologies” at the University of Messina (Italy). He has wide experience of electrochemical engineering and electrocatalysis, especially on the development of nano-engineered electrodes and design of unconventional photo-electro-catalytic devices for energy conversion. He is interested in the process of water photo-electrolysis for H2 production, in the reduction of CO2 to value-added products and in the electrocatalytic synthesis of ammonia from N2 and H2O at room temperature and ambient pressure as an alternative to Haber-Bosh process. He is a co-author of over 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He is currently the Principal Investigator of DECADE European Project for the research unit of ERIC (European Research Institute of Catalysis
Siglinda Perathoner
Full professor of Industrial Chemistry, University of Messina, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences (ChiBioFarAm)
Siglinda Perathoner gained her PhD in Chemical Science in 1988 working on the photophysics and photochemistry of supramolecular systems with V. Balzani and Nobel Laureate J.M. Lehn. From 2001 she joined the University of Messina and is full professor of Industrial Chemistry presently. She has coordinated many EU projects and is currently coordinator of the EU project OCEAN on new industrial electrocatalytic paths of CO2 conversion. She has been active for over 30 years in the field of catalysis and author of about 400 publications, including several in the top 1%, and several communications to international congresses, as well as co-editor of books or special issues of international journals of catalysis.
Simelys Hernández
RECODE technical coordinator, Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino
Simelys Hernández got the degree in Chemical Engineering, with highest honors (Lode) at both Politecnico di Torino (Polito, Turin, Italy) and at Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela) in 2004 and completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering at Polito in November 2009. She has been Assistant Professor (RTD-B) of the courses of Catalysis for the Energy and the Environment, Industrial Chemistry, Green Chemistry Products and Processes, and Photo-Electro-Catalytic Technologies for a Sustainable Chemical Industry at the DISAT department (Polito) and, from February 2021, she will Associated Professor leading a course on Petroleum Technology. She is responsible of the research team: CO2 reduction for a low-carbon economy (CREST group). She is collaborator at the CSFT of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT@Polito), member of the RSC, MRS, ISE and SCI (Electrochemical Division). She is technical coordinator of the EU H2020 project SunCoChem (, principal investigator of the H2020 project OCEAN (, vice-coordinator of the EU H2020 project RECODE ( and has worked in the coordination and scientific teams of other EU Projects (CELBICON, SOLHYDROMICS, MCWAP, ArtipHyction, ECO2CO2 and TERRA) related to the development of Novel Sustainable Photo-Electro-Chemical Processes for the capture and conversion of the CO2 from lab-scale (TRL2/3) to Pilot scale (TRL5/6).
Júlia Machado
Solar2Chem Early-Stage Researcher and PhD researcher, National University of Galway
Júlia holds an Environmental Management degree from the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and obtained her MSc in Water and Coastal Management from the WACOMA Erasmus Mundus Joint Master -UNIBO, UCA, UAlg. Currently, Júlia is a Political Sciences PhD student at the National University of Galway, where she develops her work as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellow at the Solar2Chem Project.
Horatiu Szalad
Solar2Chem Early-Stage Researcher and PhD researcher, Technical University of Valencia
Horatius is a PhD candidate at Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto de Tecnología Química. On the other hand he is a student of prof. Hermenegildo Garcia. Early stage researcher in the Solar2Chem project.