SunCoChem consortium celebrate the third year of the project in Berlin
The SunCoChem consortium met to celebrate the project’s 5th General on 11-12 of May in the facilities of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Germany).
Representatives from the European Commission attended the meeting to review and discuss about the main developments achieved by the consortium during these 36M of project’s execution. During the meeting, project partners presented all the work done in each of the Work Packages, as well as the main goals and results achieved during the past months. Additionally, they set up the next steps and actions to be achieved during the final year of the project.
On the other hand, the second day of the meeting, included the organisation of an innovation management workshop focused on the social environmental impact of SunCoChem and a session to discuss about the planning and validation of prototypes. Finally, all attendees could visit the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin lab facilities.