The SunCoChem scientific coordinator participates in a workshop organised by the SUNER-C project of the SUNERGY Community
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos, project’s scientific coordinator and Head of the Synthesis and Catalysis Line at the Chemical Technology Unit of Eurecat, participated in the online workshop organised by the SUNER-C project, the coordination and support action (CSA) powered by the SUNERGY Community, on 16th of June.
The SUNER-C project has the objective to develop and expand the innovation ecosystem for renewable fuels and base chemicals, uniting science, business, societal and other relevant stakeholders in order to develop a common vision and a technological roadmap for accelerating the scale-up of technologies, as key elements towards the EU 2050 target of net-zero emissions.
During the workshop, Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos presented SunCoChem as a key European sustainable chemistry project addressing the need of the European Industry and reducing their dependence on carbon feedstock. Additionally, she introduced the project concept based on the development of a Photoelectrocatalytic tandem reactor to manufacture valuable chemical oxo-products from renewable energies based on CO2, H2O and solar energy.
SUNERGY is a pan-European initiative with the objective to enable a circular economy through the sustainable production of fossil-free fuels and base chemicals from renewable energy and abundant molecules.