SunCoChem presented at EU Green Week workshop “Towards Zero Pollution in the Production of Green Fuels and Chemicals”
SunCoChem project has been presented during the workshop “Towards Zero Pollution in the Production of Green Fuels and Chemicals”, held within the European Green Week and celebrated last 4th of June.
The project’s scientific coordinator Miriam Diaz de los Bernardos, Head of the Synthesis and Catalysis Line at Chemical Technologies Unit at Eurecat, participated at the workshop and presented SunCoChem under the title “Photoelectrocatalytic Device For Sun-Driven Carbon Dioxide Conversion Into Green Chemicals”.
During the presentation, Diaz de los Bernardos, explained the project’s concept and approach, as well as the main objectives and technical challenges, the photocatalytic tandem reactor device to be developed within the project and the project’s phases. The presentation also covered the general context of the European Chemical Industry, with a particular reference to the importance and efforts needed for the transition towards low-emission energy technologies and an explanation of sequential pathways to higher chemicals via CO electrosynthesis.
Download here the presentation
The workshop, which counted with the participation of more than 100 attendees, also included the presentation of five other related European projects FlowPhotoChem, Solar2Chem, Ocean Project, DECADE Project and the ReCode Project, as well as the SUNERGY initiative.
The European Green Week 2021, dedicated to the objective “Aim for zero pollutions”, offers a great opportunity to get in touch with all interested parties in achieving a collaboration with which to aspire a zero pollution for an environment without toxic substances.