The SunCoChem scientific coordinator presents the project in the Green Chemistry Conference
The SunCoChem project has been presented during a poster session of the Green Chemistry Conference, organised as part of the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) from 24th – 29th of July in Castelldefels (Barcelona).
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos, project’s scientific coordinator and Head of the Synthesis and Catalysis Line at Chemical Technologies Unit at Eurecat, has participated in the event presenting the poster titled “Solar-driven CO2 reduction catalysed by Hybrid Supramolecular Photocathodes and enhanced by Ionic Liquids”. This work, based on the research done within SunCoChem, presents the photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction tests, the synthesis of molecular complexes and the electrodes preparation carried out by the project’s partners.
The Green Chemistry Conference has showed and highlighted the most recent advances in selected areas with a special emphasis on scientific progress for real world applications. The event, focused on topics from chemical energy conversion through catalysis and fine chemicals, has brought together world leading experts that shared their latest results promoting discussion and knowledge transfer between all the sessions.