The EARTO Annual Conference hosts a presentation on SunCoChem project
The SunCoChem project, coordinated by Eurecat, was presented in the Annual Conference of EARTO, the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations, which took place from 17 – 18 of May in Barcelona, Spain.
The EARTO Conference 2022, organised by Eurecat, is a meeting point for the exchange of views and information on policies and EU funding. This edition brought together more than 200 participants from all R&D agents and institutions in the European Union, including high-level speakers from the European Commission and other key institutions, as well as members of EARTO and industry representatives.
During the conference, Miquel Rovira, the director of Sustainability Area of Eurecat, introduced SunCoChem project to all attendees, as one of the centre’s key European research projects in the sustainable chemistry sector.
The EARTO network, which aims to promote RTOs and represent their interest in Europe, counts over 150,000 highly qualified researchers and engineers from more than 20 countries who manage a wide range of innovation infrastructures.