Presentation of a SunCoChem-based poster at the Solar2Chem Winter School

Presentation of a SunCoChem-based poster at the Solar2Chem Winter School Alberto Lopera and Maria José López Tendero, project partners from Laurentia Technologies, presented a poster based on SunCoChem research during a poster session of the Solar2Chem Winter School “Materials and Methods for Solar Chemical Production”, held at the Polytechnic University of Valencia on February 22nd-24th.…

Presentation of SunCoChem project during the Artificial Photosynthesis Summer School

Presentation of SunCoChem project during the Artificial Photosynthesis Summer School SunCoChem partners Alessia Fortunati and Maddalena Zoli, from the Politecnico di Torino, have presented the project during the Artificial Photosynthesis Summer School organised by the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) and celebrated from 20-23 October in Anglet (France). During the event,…

SunCoChem takes part in the summer school “CO2oling the Earth II Summer School”

SunCoChem takes part in the summer school “CO2oling the Earth II Summer School” The SunCoChem project has been presented in a session held within the webinar series “CO2oling the Earth Summer School II: Focus on BIO-CCU”, of the BIOCON-CO2 project Summer School, celebrated last 29th September – 1st October.  During the session “CCUS researchers knowledge…