SunCoChem leads the publication of a new CEN Workshop agreement for the standardization of electrocatalytic CO2 reduction devices 

SunCoChem leads the publication of a new CEN Workshop agreement for the standardization of electrocatalytic CO2 reduction devices   SunCoChem project has successfully led the publication of a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA), titled “Testing and Evaluating the Performance of Devices for Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to CO”, aimed at standardizing novel procedures and protocols for…

SunCoChem partners met in Eurecat’s facilities to prepare the project’s prototype for the technology validation

SunCoChem partners met in Eurecat’s facilities to prepare the project’s prototype for the technology validation During the last week of August, project partners from Eurecat, Politecnico di Torino, Hysytech and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, have met to work together in the preparation of the project’s prototype for the TRL4 validation of SunCoChem. The meeting, celebrated in Eurecat…

Celebrating the webinar “Towards the implementation of the EU Green Deal through the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals” as part of the EU Green Week 2022

 Celebrating the webinar “Towards the implementation of the EU Green Deal through the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals” as part of the EU Green Week 2022 The SunCoChem project organised the webinar “Towards the implementation of the EU Green Deal through the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals” in collaboration with all the Road2GreenChem projects and…

SunCoChem participates in the EU Green Week workshop “Towards Zero Pollution in the Production of Green Fuels and Chemicals”

SunCoChem participates in the EU Green Week workshop “Towards Zero Pollution in the Production of Green Fuels and Chemicals” SunCoChem project participated in the webinar “Towards Zero Pollution in the Production of Green Fuels and Chemicals” with the objective to discuss how to use sunlight to manufacture fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide and water.…

SunCoChem webinar

The SunCoChem project organises the webinar “Photocatalytic synthesis for a carbon-neutral production of fuels and chemicals”

The SunCoChem project organises the webinar “Photocatalytic synthesis for a carbon-neutral production of fuels and chemicals”   The SunCoChem project’s consortium organised the webinar “Photocatalytic synthesis for a carbon-neutral production of fuels and chemicals”, focused on photo(electro)catalysis for a sustainable energy conversion and storage into chemical bonds, last 21st of April 2021. The webinar comprised…

photoelectrocatalytic reactor

Help us gather consumer companies’ perceptions and their willingness to adopt green oxo-chemicals in their products

Help us gather consumer companies’ perceptions and their willingness to adopt green oxo-chemicals in their products The SunCoChem project aims to address the need of the European Chemical Industry to reduce their dependence on carbon feedstock. Within the scope of the project, a solution based on a competitive tandem photoelectrocatalytic reactor will be developed. This…