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- Create Date September 25, 2024
- Last Updated September 25, 2024
D4.7 First Results of tests with Real Feedstock mixtures - Executive Summary
This deliverable presents the outcomes of an experimental study focused on the conversion of CO2 and H2O into syngas using a TRL4 reactor with an active area of 0.2 m². The experiments began with validating reactor modules utilizing commercially available catalysts, followed by integrating advanced materials developed within the project. The prototype reactor was tested in two modes: electrochemical, where a power station supplied the required energy, and photoelectrochemical, where energy was provided by photovoltaic panels and a photoanode powered by a solar simulator. Additionally, the synthesis of two oxo-products, Limoxal® and valeraldehyde, was investigated via hydroformylation using simulated syngas produced by the TRL4 reactor. The impact of syngas dilution with CO2 on the selectivity and efficiency of these reactions was also thoroughly evaluated. Generated results serve as guidelines for further reactor improvement for the final TRL5 pilot plant.