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- Create Date November 13, 2024
- Last Updated November 13, 2024
D6.8 Final PUDR and exploitation agreement - Executive Summary
SunCoChem project shows an enormous potential as provides a solution based on a competitive photoelectrocatalytic reactor to efficiently produce oxo-products from solar energy and CO2 emissions from the European Chemical Industries. This Final Deliverable Plan of Use and Dissemination of the Results (PUDR) is an internal and confidential document dedicated to members of the SunCoChem consortium. The content has been built with the insights and inputs provided by the whole consortium to gather and rationalise the dissemination activities, as well as to identify and describe the final Key Exploitable Results (KER) and Secondary Results of SunCoChem ’s project at M48.
The present deliverable presents the definition and steps made towards execution of well-coordinated exploitation and dissemination activities (WP6) aligned with all other tasks developed in the project. Regarding dissemination, this document presents the main outcomes of SunCoChem’s dissemination activities, as well as the impact achieved. It includes both the dissemination and the visibility of project results through scientific publications, participation in exhibitions and conferences to showcase the project results to academic and industrial stakeholders, the organisation of webinars and other events, direct dissemination with EU associations, and clustering activities at the European level.
With regards to exploitation, the present deliverable describes four steps: project results, commercialisation strategies, Individual and Joint Exploitation Plans and prioritization last step. These steps pave the way towards assuring its maximum impact of the project will be achieved during and after the end of the funding period. Moreover, the plan outlines potential barriers and external threats and proposes ways in which these will be overcome.