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- Create Date May 19, 2022
- Last Updated May 19, 2022
D6.5 Initial report on the contribution to standardization - Full report
The deliverable D6.5 “Initial report on the contribution to standardization” is produced in the context of SunCoChem-WP6, Task 6.3 – Standardisation activities, in particular with regard to the subtask 6.3.2 “Contribution to the ongoing and future standardization developments”. This deliverable includes as main contribution the activities carried out until M24 to let the SunCoChem project transfer selected results to European or international standards. The transfer of SunCoChem results to standards being widely recognized by the industry and that are developed in a system external to the Consortium will ease the market uptake of these results and their impact beyond the duration of the project. Additionally, the standardization system is used as a targeted dissemination channel towards the stakeholders represented in the standardization committees.
D6.5 is based on the conclusions of two documents:
- D6.2 “Report on the standardization landscape and applicable standards”, made available at M6, that includes the information on the relevant existing standards and ongoing standardization projects of the relevant standardization technical committees to facilitate the use of existing knowledge and the compatibility and the interoperability of the results.
- The document “Planning of the SunCoChem contribution to standardization”, made available at M20, defining the strategy of SunCoChem’s contribution to standardization. It included the steps to be taken for a successful contribution to standardization as well as the actions for its implementation and a tentative schedule. The document also provided with an update on new standards and projects of the relevant technical committees that were identified in D6.2 and included three new technical committees on photovoltaic energy systems and climate change.
D6.9 “Final report on the contribution to standardization” at M48 will summarize all the activities and results obtained in the context of the standardization activities.
The Spanish Association for Standardisation (UNE), as a European Standardisation Body, is partner in the SunCoChem project to provide support regarding all the standardisation tasks included in the project.