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- Create Date May 15, 2024
- Last Updated May 15, 2024
D5.2. Report on HAZOP, HSE management system and REACH analysis - Executive Summary
Deliverable 5.2 (D5.2) includes the identification of hazards and operability problems (HAZOP) performed by HST in task 5.2.1, and the establishment of a Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) management system approach completed by LAU in task 5.2.2. HSE has been structured following this scheme:¡
- Regulatory requirements for construction and use of TPER.
- Precautionary measures for safe handling and storage of identified hazard materials.
- HAZOP analysis
- Technical provisions and best available techniques to prevent that chemicals enter in the environment.
- To stablish procedure plans for regular checks, inspections and self-audits.
- Training plan.
This deliverable starts with a review of European legislation and regulatory recommendations on the manufacture of engineered products like TPER reactor.
HSE management system has been defined for the construction and use of TPER, considering the identified HAZOP problems and used hazard materials. HSE provides Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for each of the substances used in TPER giving Precautionary measures for safe handling and storage of identified hazard materials. Precautionary measures have to be taken to reduce the uncertainty and prevent exposure and hazards, in order to reach an acceptable level of risk.
HAZOP analysis has provided hazards and operability problems related to the integrated TPER and its operation, suggesting possible improvements to the design or operation of the system. Two aspects were considered: hazards that can endanger safety or health of persons (either system operation personnel or external people) and deviations that can cause operational problems or equipment failures. Examples of potential hazards identified are: hazard chemicals handling, temperature fluctuations, leakage problems, wrong compositions of process flows. This HAZOP analysis has been based on the detailed engineering information (P&ID, process conditions, the mass and energy flows (PFD)) available from Task 4.5 and all information regarding the chemicals used. The work has exanimated the TPER plant, to identify and evaluate possible deviation that may represent risks to personnel, equipment, or operations. The outcomes of the HAZOP has been implemented in the planned design to ensure safe operation and has been used to make the final P&ID in T4.5.
Also, best techniques and measures to prevent and control that chemicals enter in the environment has been defined. Those provisions will be consistent with regulations about Emissions to air and water.
HSE also includes a training plan to transfer all defined safety and control measures defined in HAZOP analysis and SDSs to TPER users. This plan includes training about personal protective equipment (PPE), handing practiques, storage conditions, fire protection measures, transportation conditions, Education on risk and enviromental management policies and practices, emergency plans if any unexpected accidents or reactions occur, Information on where fire safety and first aid equipment is stored and spill containment systems for hazardous chemicals.