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- Create Date July 23, 2024
- Last Updated July 23, 2024
D3.6 Results of TPER integrated cell at optimised operative conditions and kinetic studies - Executive Summary
Owing to the different issues related to integrability and control of the different SunCoChem processes, the final prototype configuration was separated into four main sections: CO2 separation unit, electrochemical CO2 conversion, hydroformylation reaction and purification product. More details were given in the periodic technical report part B (RP2). The present deliverable summarises the results of the experimental trials for denoting the stability of producing CO and hydrogen from the co-electrolysis of CO2 and water using simulated sunlight within the final photoelectrocatalytic reactor of the SunCochem project. Operating tests for at least 200 hours were conducted while several possible issues were induced to provide a more accurate analysis in terms of stability. Moreover, kinetics parameters were estimated from experimental results on a single 10 cm2 cell and then used as input to predict the performance of the 100 cm2 single-cell prototype and the 5-cell string.