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- Create Date January 13, 2023
- Last Updated January 13, 2023
D3.5 Results of fully integrated TPER Cell - Executive Summary
The present deliverable summarises the results of the first experimental trials for coupling carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and conversion integration within the TPER cell (100 cm2). The preliminary half-TPER cells for cathodic reaction and CO2 capture, designed by HST, have been modified according to the outcomes coming from Work Package 3 – in particular, regarding the optimisation of the CO2 conversion process over gas diffusion electrodes.
Specifically, the document includes a description of the modified design of the cell, a report of the fluid dynamics testing of the integrated cell, useful for the validation of the cell assembly and the operating conditions, a report of the first electrochemical testing of the 100 cm2 electrode and some suggestions for optimising the final design of the TPER cell.