Laurentia Technologies presents the SunCoChem project in a session on circular chemistry of the EcoChemicals Solutions Congress
The SunCoChem project was presented during the EcoChemicals Solutions Congress, a great annual event of the chemical sector on sustainability and the circular economy, organised by QUIMACOVA and celebrated from 4th to 6th of October in Valencia, Spain.
Maria José López Tendero, CTO and co-founder from Laurentia Technologies, participated in the Round Table “Success cases in new materials for a circular chemistry”, which was held by the Colegio de Químicos de la Comunidad Valenciana.
During the intervention, López Tendero took the opportunity to present SunCoChem as a key sustainable chemistry project addressing the need of the European Chemical Industry and reducing their dependence on carbon feedstock by the development of a new photoelectrocatalytic device for sun-driven CO2 conversion into green chemicals.
The EcoChemicals Solutions Congress has the objective to demonstrate how the chemical industry will lead the paradigm shift around two main concepts such as sustainability and circular economy.