Eurecat brings SunCoChem to the Expoquimia fair taking place in Barcelona
The SunCoChem project, coordinated by Eurecat, was presented in Expoquimia, the international chemical fair taking place from May 30th – June 2nd in Barcelona (Spain).
During the event, Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos, project’s scientific coordinator and Head of the Synthesis and Catalysis Line at Chemical Technologies Unit at Eurecat, participated in the “Tech Transfer & Innovation Area” showcasing SunCoChem as one of the key European projects in the sustainable chemistry sector.
Based on the single-unit CO2 capture and conversion architecture to design a self-sufficient device, SunCoChem’s innovation aims to reduce costs, reduce CO2 emissions and improve the efficiency of converting energy from sunlight to chemicals. The project will have a significant impact in reducing the dependence of the European Chemical Industry on carbon raw materials.
The Expoquimia fair offered a programme with different presentations, talks and round tables organised by experts on different strategic topics in the sector including the circular economy, new digital marketing trends and decarbonisation, among others.