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- Create Date November 25, 2021
- Last Updated February 17, 2022
D2.3 - Synthesis of the selected polysulfone based membrane and novel ILs - Executive Summary
Report on preliminary synthesised i) polysulfone-based membranes for CO2 capture with improved selectivity by incorporation of ILs; ii) ILs with high CO2 solubility and electrochemical stability obtained by cations functionalization, their properties and affinity with polysulfone-based membranes. The results provided are based on experimental studies considering the results generated in Deliverable 2.2.
The report shows preliminary prepared polymeric membranes based on polysulfone with improved CO2 capture selectivity by incorporation of various additives such as ILs by soaking or poly-ionic liquids and modified polysulfone by its mixing with the polymeric solution before the membrane precipitation. The stability of the membranes as well as their morphological structure and chemical composition were characterized. Additionally, discussion about the used ILs affinity to the polymers is included.